This is an abridged version of my professional history. Check out this doc for a fuller view of my education, experience, and more.


Developer Relations Engineer at Google

New York, NY - Jul 2022

I’m focused on improving Google’s internal server platform by increasing adoption and understanding of it. My role provides with the opportunity to combine my technical skills (to understand how the platform works, and how to improve it) and social skills (to understand engineers and their needs).

Focusing on: C++, technical writing, developer education, documentation, tutorials.


Solutions Consultant at Google

Austin, TX - Aug 2021 to Jul 2022

I helped Google Cloud customers transform their HPC systems and operations to work more efficiently and cheaply, increasing user satisfaction and unlocking possibilities for them. Additionally, I collaborated with others to modernize technology stacks and improve engineering practices for large enterprises.

Focused on: Python, DevOps, system architecture, cloud operations.